News & Trends – January 15, 2014

January 2014

Seasonal Affective Disorder Affects Kids, Too

    Even as the Arctic Vortex subsides, winter brings gray skies, little sun and shorter days. According to the American Psychiatric Association, winter weather depression — called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) — can affect 10 to 20 percent of the population, including children and teens.

    Lethargy, irritability, changes in  appetite, a decrease in academic performance and disinterest in friends and activities can be signs of distress in children and teens.

    Teens interviewed by the Connect with Kids Education Network say their mood changes in the winter.

    “You know, just not in the mood to be talking to anybody and people kind of tell me I get a little bit mood swingy at times and I just might get mad about something really small,” says Jasmine, 16.

    “I definitely tend to isolate myself in my bedroom more. I’m always wanting to sleep and don’t want to be bothered,” says Chauntae, 16.

    Light therapy, talk therapy and/or antidepressant medication can be used to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder, under the guidance of a physician.         

WebSource Clients:

Use the search feature on your site and the video title to locate these resources  to support social and emotional learning.


Feeling Sad:
Affective Disorder

A short video with discussion questions

Exercise Can Improve Grades 
A short video with discussion questions 

Warning Signs  
A five-part video on mental health with a Family Viewing Guide for parent outreach events and home viewing

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Connect with Kids:

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